Side tRip!

Straight seven hours travel from Davao to Butuan to meet some friends. We went to mall for some stuff to buy. We headed to the harbor going to Camiguin and had some fun. We managed to visit the most targeted areas in the island, the white Island, Sunken Cemetery, Ardent Hot Spring Resort, and Mt. Hibok². Luckily, it was the Lansones Festival that time where we had so much fun together. We dropped by at the souvenirs’ shop and bought shirts and some “Pasalubong”.


white island

at Sunken Cemetery

The Sunset @ Camiguin

As we go along the road talking with our tour guide slash driver, he was able to point on his fingers the island of Bohol as we can see it from Camiguin Island. Our eyes met and enlarged with grateful thinking as we have the same thoughts in minds… to conquer the island of BOHOL. Knowing that the budget that we prepared was good for Camiguin trip only. However, we never had the second thoughts ‘coz we all wanted to be there no matter what consequences waiting for us there. God’s been with us all the time that he never leave us with nothing.

Approaching Bohol

The Floating Restaurant @ Loboc River, Bohol

I'm with the endangered Tarsier

The amazing chocolate hills

Well, the next day we geared up early in the morning and catch the first trip to Bohol and started the whole day trip with my colleague. We’ve been to the amazing chocolate hills, the ever romantic floating restaurant at Loboc River, the lovely endangered tarsier. We went to this place with confident and strength without having any idea where to go. Just for the fullfillment of our dreams to be in this place. The place, hospitability and very friendly people with all their delicious and affordable food specialties along the way are good enough to have a very unforgettable trip.

@ Magellan's Cross

@ Sbarro, Ayala Cebu

We took the ride on the floating restaurant to eat our lunch buffet at Loboc River, somewhere in Loay, Bohol. While eating, we've been discussing on how are we gonna go back to our origin (Davao) with the money we have. I know for sure we lacked money for this side trip adventure. (LOL!) Tick tack! tick tack! We consumed about 2hours in floating. eat... chat... eat... picture... chat... eat... picture. nam nam nam! That was so cool! unlimited seafoods. weeehh! Talking about adventure, we mentioned Cebu as we all knew that is just nearby the place where we were. We kept on inquiring to the people about how we could get there and how much will it cost us to get there. Since its only 2hours travel to another city, again we had another immediate decision of hopping to another island, the famous island of Cebu. Another adventure started as we reached the city.

Going back to Davao around 4:30am @ Mactan International Airport

Damn! (Bohol pa lang short na kami sa budget! Go pa rin ng Go! sa Cebu pa kaya? tsk tsk tsk) Despite our shortage, we had so much fun in our island hopping in Visayas. We’re even surprised of where we’ve been through all the way from Davao-Butuan-Camiguin-Bohol-Cebu-Davao with the money prepared for Camiguin only. Everything is unexpected… everything is unplanned…


Makoy said...

salamat sa pag sponsor sa contest ko :)

rhon said...

hmmm is that me? hehehe :p

a writer's journal


Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!

Elyong said...

I am glad you you enjoyed your trip to Bohol. I am a Boholano.. hehe.

feRn said...

@ elyong
Yeah, sobra! hehehe

@ Hapi
THanks for dRopPiN' by and for the tutorial.

@ rhon
hhhmmmm... i think that's you! hehehe

@ keyword
Yeah thanks for the info.

@ Makoy
No Probs

@ Plokmaster
Thanks for the link.:)

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Anonymous said...

late reaction..

hahaha lingaw noh.. mag blog pud ko sa atong mga trip-na-trip soon.. heheh la picture si adur??


feRn said...

@ mona

That's ok amon, better late than never. LöL! 'til next tRip again. will be posting another tRip söön.


Yes nan, It’s good even out of budget but you get there where you wanted to go, budget is always out but time is gold.