For those who appear in my life, whether to help or to harm, are all given by God. I have to meet all of them with a peaceful heart and with a warrior spirit without hesitation to get back in the struggle. I may fail many times, but in failing I know I will learn from it, and in my learning, I will find my own way realizing that without overcoming those obstacles, I would never have realized my potential, strength and will power of heart.

Even my bad experiences can be learned from. Those lessons are my hardest and probably the most important ones. I appreciate every moment and take from it everything that I possibly can, for I already know that I may be able to experience it again and again. And in this life, it is not how many times we stumble, it is not how many times we failed. But it is how we stand up and try again and again and again.
From many inspiring books and articles I've read, I have learned that we can develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. There are no mistakes in life, only lessons. And my lessons will keep on repeating themselves... until learned. :')
Very well said.
thanks for the comment DAVID RUSSEL, gLad to know you've read my post. :D you got a nice and interesting blogsite too.
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