THINK BACK TO 4th year High School... Let's see how much you remember and how much you regret..
Got this tag from Rhon (Si bao[sharon])! LöL:)
What section were you?
- Agoho
Who were your seatmates?
- Adrian, James, Kelvin
Still remember your english teacher?
- Yeah, Miss Quiambao (The beautiful RN girl)
What was your first class?
- M - Homeroom, WF - Physics and TTH - Journalism,
Made friends to the lower years?
- yeah from 1st year 'til 4th year level are my fRieNds... LöLÜ
How was your class schedule?
- fine, it's like my college schedules...
Made any enemies?
- hmmm, nope :)
Who was your favorite teacher?
- Mr. Edgar Retorta, Physics subject
What sport did you play?
- chess?he³ im not active in any school activities that time. im too lazy for that, i chose chess 'coz i know i don't need to exert any force, i'd rather sit down and think. softball sometimes... wew!
Were you a party animal?
- yow dude.... That's why i was baptized as Mr. Late. toiNks!! started to be a party animal when i was 2nd year.(hahaha)
Were you well known in your school?
- hmmmm... maybe!
- hmmmm sometimes...
Did you get suspended/expelled?
- hmmm... nope.
- Can you sing the alma mater?
with brave heart and purpose high
We will seek thy portals wide knowledge to find
With spirit through we pledge to thee
Our love and loyalty
Thy honor we strive to find
Alma matter dear we vow
Where we maybe go far and wide we roam
Thy name we shall cherish
For their Rizal's enthrone
Then on, sail on
Forward to our goal
Never falter, never fail
Youth of our motherland
Laurel, sweet and fair
We'll win for thee alma matter dear...
(i'm only sure about the melody but im not sure with the lyrics)
What was your favorite subject?
- tsk tsk tsk Recess??? LOL! Computer Subject!!!! plus Science.
Did you go to the dances?
- yeah... was forced by my teacher (prom, programs arggg!)...
Where did you go most often during breaks?
- Most of the time at the canteen for special bihon and coke with keLvin, bRian, adRian, aNd james or play Starcraft at 3rd/F ComLab... or sometimes singing underneath of tree up the hill.
What did you do on the last day of school?
- Went to my Lola's place @ Catalunan Grande, almost all my classmates went there for a party!
i got one photo here... t'was taken duRiNg 3rdyear but don't woRry same faces when i moved to 4thyear! hahaha

My 4th year high School life was absolutely a GrEat ExpeRieNce!!!
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